Sunday, July 29, 2018

Paleo Diet Helps Promote Weight Loss In Overweight Women

The Paleolithic Diet has gained major popularity among multiple cultural groups including those who are active and looking to reduce* body fat while staying strong and building lean muscle mass. It is also very common among those who have adopted a holistic lifestyle and are focused on disease prevention or management.
The main concept of the Paleolithic (also referred to as Paleo) diet is to simply eat real food, while avoiding fake processed foods that line the grocery store isles in boxes, bags and cans with a log shelf life and packed full of preservatives. We tend to eat these unhealthy “fake food” options unconsciously, simply because they are a part of the fast paced culture that we live.
Individuals who follow a Paleo diet give up sugar, grains and most dairy because in some way shape or form these food groups are processed and not approved Paleo foods. If they were mindlessly eating packaged foods formerly, they will start to feel better immediately on the Paleo diet, simply because their body is going to metabolize food with less effort and digestion will be easier and overall their body, hormones, and metabolism will function at a better rate.

Nutrition Programs Similar to Paleo

There are several Dietitians, Nutritionist, and other health care professionals who integrate some or most of the concepts of the Paleo diet into their coaching and nutrition programs. Another popular program that has similar ideology as Paleo is the Whole30.
Both of these program eliminate* processed foods, provide recipes and meal ideas to promote stable blood sugars, in some cases weight loss*, gut repair, reduced* inflammation and overall improvement in metabolism.
Ketogenic Diet Notes
The ketogenic diet has also gained popularity, this diet is lower in carbohydrates and allows dairy unlike the Paleo and Whole 30 programs.
It is important for people to have a base knowledge of the diet concepts before committing to a lifestyle of eating under their nutrition recommendations and boundaries. Education and knowledge are the driving forces to making a successful lifestyle modification such as adopting a new way of eating.

Paleo Diet and Weight Loss for Woman

The outcome or success of any nutrition program including Paleo has several influences including the initial state of health the person is when they start the program. A women’s body is intricate and slightly complicated especially when focusing on hormones.
Women can be extremely sensitive to the influence of the different hormones within her body. The outcome of every diet is going to be different depending on the individual’s metabolism and current state of health.
A woman’s thyroid, estrogen levels and insulin response are extremely sensitive to processed foods, we will discuss these and how the Paleo diet can influence these specific areas of the metabolism.
The thyroid can become overloaded with toxins from additives, chemicals, dyes or inflammatory oils from processed foods of the SAD (Standard American Diet). When the thyroid becomes overloaded with these toxins it will not function at optimal level and can result in low energy, weight gain and autoimmune diseases like Hashimotos Disease.
Estrogen Dominance
Estrogen dominance is also influenced by the harmful ingredients in processed foods. When the body is estrogen dominant it is very difficult to drop body fat or build lean muscle mass. Menstrual and menopausal symptoms are worse and the risk for developing estrogen related cancers like breast cancer is increased.
Insulin is the most influential hormone over weight management. The body cannot drop unwanted body fat if the insulin levels spike and fall throughout the day due to the consumption of sugar and carbohydrates.
When insulin levels spike the body cannot use it’s own fat stores for fuel, also known as training the body to burn fat, instead insulin spikes and drops force the metabolism to rely on food for energy rather than its own fat stores. This can make it very difficult to lose* weight and build lean muscle mass.
Thyroid, estrogen dominance and insulin sensitivity have a huge influence over a women’s body, specifically her ability to successfully manage her weight. It is important to understand the harmful effects that processed food, additives, chemicals, dyes, sugars and harmful fats and oils have on our body.
When these foods are eliminated from the diet and a Paleo lifestyle full of whole unprocessed foods is adopted, over time the insulin response will be more efficient, the thyroid will also function better and estrogen dominance will be reduce*.

A Typical Day of Eating on a Paleo Diet…

Roasted Chicken


Black coffee and coconut oil instead of cream
Eggs, vegetable omelet and bacon


nuts and seeds, hardboiled eggs, chopped vegetables


Large salad with chicken, fish, steak, chopped vegetables, mixed greens, oil, vinegar, and avocado


Grilled or broiled steak, chicken, or fish, roasted vegetables with coconut oil and a baked sweet potato


Due to the popularity of the Paleo Diet and Whole30 Diet there are several resources for how to get started, grocery shop, recipes, etc. It makes it easy for anyone to follow and find food options at mainstream grocery stores.
Due to the positive impact eliminating sugar and processed foods has on insulin response, estrogen levels, and thyroid, it helps promote weight loss* especially in women.

Additional benefits of the Paleo diet include:

There are no counting calories; you learn to follow a more intuitive eating pattern rather than a regimented schedule that can often lead to obsessive-compulsive behavior and feel restricted.
Focus on what you need to eat daily rather than what you cannot eat. The Paleo diet recommends eating a football helmet full of vegetables per day, this will keep you feeling full from the fiber and water without the terrible feeling of deprivation.
Busy Women
Move all throughout the day rather than strenuous workouts regimens. It is important to workout, but it is more important to be active all day. The Paleo diet recommends walking at least 10, 000 steps over the course of the day and lifting things that are heavy a couple days per week. This exercise regimen is doable for busy women who cannot always make it to the gym.
It is also important to take note that if you follow the Paleo guidelines you will limit or eliminate* eating out all together which will promote weight loss* especially for those people who eat out often.
I would also drink one half of your body weight in ounces of hydroxide alkaline water per day. This will help eliminate* inflammation by eliminating the acids in your body. Reducing* inflammation is important for your health, stabilizes the insulin mechanism and helps with weight loss*.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Know The Recipes Of Smoothies As Per The Purpose

Recipes of Smoothies As Per The Purpose

Smoothies With a Purpose

When it comes to making a smoothie at home, people tend to create their recipes based on flavor preference alone, as opposed to really thinking about the health benefits of each ingredient they use.
Strawberries and bananas are classics, but what else could you add to take your smoothie to the next level? Flavor is, indeed, important, but perhaps there is a better way to blend that helps us achieve our own unique health and wellness goals.
Is there a way to blend smoothies…with a purpose?

The History of Smoothies

Smoothie King was founded on this principle back in 1973. It’s written into our DNA and has fueled our growth to 900 locations worldwide.
Our founder, Steve Kuhnau, struggled with food allergies all his life. He created the nutritional fruit smoothie to help each individual person achieve their unique health and fitness goals in a tasty way.
So, he started Smoothie King and began our mission to help people live a healthy and active lifestyle.
Flash-forward to present day, and the franchise specializes in smoothies that are all formulated to help guests achieve a specific purpose: slim down, gain muscle, achieve greater wellness, replace a meal, or simply take a break.
The ingredients selected for each and every Smoothie King recipe are added intentionally, with purpose in mind.
You can do the same thing at home, too, and here are three great at-home recipe examples to get you started on your journey.
Own Smoothies infograph

Your Purpose: Hydration

Going for a jog in the hot, summer sun? Or perhaps just working in the yard or enjoying an active afternoon in the park? Opt for a smoothie that will help you replenish fast in the heat like the Dragon Fruit Hydration smoothie.
With no artificial sweeteners or sugar, this smoothie is blended with whole fruit, coconut water, and electrolytes to boost* your summer.
Here’s how you make one:
  • Coconut Water – ½ Cup
  • Papaya Juice – 1/3 Cup
  • Pitaya (Dragon Fruit) Plus Smoothie Pack – 1 Pack
This is organic, frozen dragon fruit cubes
  • Mango – ½ Cup, Diced
  • Ice – 1 ½ Cups
While this recipe is, no doubt, delicious, pay close attention to the ingredients used. Coconut water, for example is incredibly hydrating. In fact, it is touted as being more hydrating than water.
Pitaya, otherwise known as Dragon Fruit, is packed full of antioxidants and is low in calories.
This recipe has 220 calories, 490mg of potassium, and 170g of calcium for a 20-ounce cup. Talk about a great way to replenish after a summertime jog or an outdoor sporting event!

Your Purpose: Slim Down

Purpose Slim Down
At calories of 250 or less with 20-ounce cup and made with atleast 6 grams of fiber helping to curb hunger and 11 grams of high-quality protein, a Strawberry Slim-N-Trim smoothie is a great low-calorie meal replacement solution.
So, if you’re purpose is to lose* a couple of pounds, here’s an at-home recipe for you!
  • Water – 1 Cup
  • Skim Milk or Almond Milk – ½ Cup
  • Banana – 3/4 Ripe
  • Strawberries – ½ Cup
  • Vanilla Gladiator protein powder – 2 Tablespoons
  • Fiber Blend, like oat bran, rolled oats, or chia seeds – 2 Teaspoons
  • Stevia – 1 Teaspoon
  • Ice – 1 Cup
Notice the ingredients used in this smoothie are all geared toward the goal of slimming down. Take for instance, skim milk as the base of the smoothie. Skim milk is lower in calories than other milk options, and is packed with calcium.
Two tablespoons of Vanilla Gladiator protein powder adds 10 grams of protein, which will help keep you fuller longer.
Stevia has been used to sweeten teas and beverages throughout the centuries, but unlike other plant-based sweeteners like agave or honey, stevia is zero calories per serving. Now that’s pretty sweet!

Your Purpose: Wellness

Purpose Wellness
The Vegan Mango Kale smoothie has a “wellness” purpose. It has 320 calories, 11 grams of protein and 6 grams of fiber. We’re big fans of mango at Smoothie King, so we created six different smoothies featuring this incredible fruit.
The Vegan Mango Kale smoothie is special because it is 100 percent vegan, but still packed with protein. If your purpose is to strengthen your immunity, balance your diet or simply feel better, this “wellness” blend smoothie is just right for summertime.
  • Banana – 1 Whole
  • Mango – 1/2 Cup, Diced
  • Kale – 2 Leaves
  • Pineapple Juice – ½ Cup
  • Almonds – 1 Tablespoon
  • Sunwarrior Warrior Blend Vanilla Vegan Protein – 1 Tablespoon
  • Ice – 1 Cup
Again, note each purpose-driven ingredient. A whole banana will provide you with the potassium your body needs. Also, the riper the banana, the sweeter your smoothie will be.
Kale is a great way to sneak in your daily dose of veggies without even knowing it! (It tends to take on the flavor of the other ingredients it’s blended with.)
So, what makes this smoothie vegan? In this recipe, we’ve swapped out our own Gladiator whey protein for Sun warrior’s Warrior Blend Vanilla Protein, which is made with organic pea protein and is completely plant-based.
So if whey protein isn’t your thing, this delicious, summertime smoothie is right up your alley.


Smoothies can be much more than fruit and ice in a blender. The smoothies that my team creates are all created with intention, to ensure each smoothie is blended thoughtfully and with a purpose.
So, what’s your purpose? What are the goals you are trying to achieve through your daily intake? Our guests’ purposes range from dealing with food allergies and autoimmune diseases, to shedding weight and feeling great.
These at-home recipes can help you achieve your goals, live a healthier lifestyle, and stay properly nourished. Cheers to your purpose!

Monday, July 23, 2018

26 Surprising Health Benefits Of Drinking Beer

Amazing Health Benefits of Beer

Beer and its History

Beer is one of the most commonly used alcoholic drinks in the world and it is third most popular drink in the world, right after tea and water.
Beer is brewed by the saccharification of starch and fermentation of the resulting sugar. Saccharification is the process where a complex carbohydrate (like starch) is divided into its monosaccharide components.
Beer has a long history and it belongs to a group of oldest prepared beverages. First traces of beer production date back to 9500 BC, early Neolithic period. It is also recorded in history of ancient civilizations of Egypt and Iraq. Sumer people fermented bread in order to make a pulp which was characterized by the intoxicating effect. They referred to it as a divine drink. Babylonians produced beer too and it is assumed they had about 20 different types of beer. Egyptians buried beer and malt with Pharaohs to offer them some nourishment in the afterlife. Romans drank beer as well. Even though they preferred wine, some parts of the Roman Empire were known for beer consumption.
During the Middle Ages monasteries brewed beer and some monks drank up to 5l of beer per day.
In the year 822AD hops was introduced into beer production and Germany was the first country to use it. Germany was also the first country to implement ingredient regulation with The Reinheitsgebot of 1516, also known as The Purity Law. This law dictated that beer should be made of water, malt, and hops.
It is usually believed that alcoholic beverages can only damage our brain, heart, and other organs. Regular consumption of alcoholic drinks is associated with damage and deterioration of our mind, body, and soul.
However, beer has many health benefits and can improve* our overall health in a lot of different ways. This article will discuss health benefits that come with consumption of beer.

Beer Ingredients

Beer Ingredients
Brewing beer requires few ingredients that are considered as a standard for this product. They are:
  • Barley – Is the main ingredient of the beer. Barley grains are usually low in proteins and fat, but they are rich in starch. Starch is consisted of sugar molecules and it is grain’s food reserve.
  • Hops – Is a plant that can grow in height up to 20m. This plant is consisted of essential oils that offer distinctive flavor to the beer; it serves like a spice in the beer-making industry.
  • Water – Beer is made mostly of water. Different regions have water of different mineral composition which affects the flavor of the beer and that is why beers with same ingredients and formula from different regions can taste differently.
  • Yeast – Produces flavor compounds and it is responsible for the fermentation of the beer. The function of the yeast is to metabolize sugars which were extracted from grains. This process leads to production of alcohol and carbon dioxide, in other words, it turns wort (liquid that is extracted during the brewing process) into beer.

Health benefits

As it was mentioned above, beer has numerous health benefits and they are:
  • Prevents Type 2 diabetes – Moderate consumption of beer is associated with the lower risks of getting diabetes. About 15 different scientific researches have confirmed that beer reduces* the risk of suffering from Type 2 diabetes. It is because beer increases* insulin sensitivity.
  • Protects against gallstones – Beer can also be good for decreased* risk of symptomatic gallstone disease. Additionally, increase* in beer consumption is associated with the decreased* risk.
  • Good vitamin source – Beer is a good source of vitamins. It is suggest that beer contains:
  • Niacin or Vitamin B3 is essential for a good health. Deficiency of niacin is indicated by the rash, diarrhea, and neurological deficits.
  • Riboflavin – Is also known as Vitamin B2. Deficiency of this vitamin includes symptoms like sore throat, lesions of the lips, conjunctivitis, and some skin conditions.
  • Pantothenic acid – Or Vitamin B5. Low level of Vitamin B5 in an organism can lead to headache, insomnia, fatigue, intestinal disturbances, tingling and numbness of hands and feet.
  • Folate – Or folic acid is Vitamin B9. Deficiency of this vitamin can be displayed through fatigue, lethargy, tender tongue, pale skin, irritability, and diarrhea.
  • Other B vitamins – Beer is rich in B vitamins and according to some studies, people who drink beer have 30% more B vitamin in their body than non-beer drinkers.
  • Improves* brain health – Scientists proved that, xanthohumol, a flavonoid that is found in beer can improve* cognitive function.
  • Improves* heart health – People who drink beer have 42% lower risk of getting cardiovascular disease, comparing to people who don’t drink beer. Moderate consumption of beer can lower the chances of getting heart attack.
  • Boosts* creativity and problem-solving skills – Scientists conducted a study where men who drank beer and men who didn’t had to solve a verbal puzzle while watching the movie at the same time. The result of the study showed that men who drank beer solved problems before men who didn’t drink beer. This leads to a conclusion that beer has a positive effect on our problem-solving abilities.
  • Improves* kidney function – Moderate consumption of beer lowers chances of developing kidney stones by 40%. Researchers weren’t able to find the connection between the beer and kidney function but it is assumed it is due to the fact that consumption of beer leads to frequent urination. Another theory includes hops which slow down the release of calcium from our bones (calcium is reabsorbed by kidneys and forms stones). However, regardless of the reason, beer is beneficial for the proper function of our kidneys.
  • Speeds up recovery process – This is especially beneficial for people who exercise regularly. Scientists conducted a study where participants had to exercise until they reach 104 degrees body temperature. Participants had to re-hydrate with beer or water and the results showed that people who drank beer recovered faster and had better hydration than people who drank water.
  • Improves* metabolism – Beer can boost* metabolism and prevent your body from absorbing fat.
  • Prevents formation of cataracts – Consumption of beer improves* antioxidant activity that prevents cataracts from forming and spreading in your eyes. Antioxidant activity protects mitochondria cells in the eyes. Damaged mitochondria cells can lead to the incidence of cataracts.
  • Lowers blood pressure – People who drink beer are less likely to develop high blood pressure. High blood pressure can lead to numerous problems and affect heart and coronary arteries, and potentially leads to stroke.
  • Protects from infections – Beer can improve* the immune system and protects our body from infection.
  • Strengthens Bones – people who drink beer have 4.5% better bone density than people who don’t drink beer. Beers contain dietary silicon which is important for development and growth of bone and connective tissue. Drinking beer can even help fight osteoporosis.
  • Improves* digestion – Beer is a great source of fiber (especially dark beer). In this department, beer is even better choice than wine which doesn’t contain fiber. Fiber deficiency can cause intestinal and gastric disorders.
  • Lowers bad cholesterol – Fiber in beer is not only good for proper digestion, it is also good for lowering LDL (low-density lipoprotein) which is usually referred to as “bad cholesterol”. Meanwhile, HDL cholesterol (High-Density Lipoprotein) or “good cholesterol” is improving*.
  • Promotes* sleep – Beer’s components nicotinic acid and riboflavin promote sleep and fight insomnia.
  • Prevents blood Clots – Moderate intake of beer can be a good “blood thinner” for elderly people and patients who suffer from deep vein thrombosis. Deep vein thrombosis is caused by blood clots in veins and the condition can often be life-threatening.
  • Boosts* Memory – Beer can trigger the growth of new brain cells and hence boost* your memory.
  • Relieves stress – Beer has a relaxing purpose, reduces* stress and prevents anxiety, and decreases* self-consciousness.
  • Cure* for cold – Hops contains humulone compound which helps our body fight the virus that causes cold. Barley increases* blood circulation and helps you breathe when you have nasal congestion.
  • Decreases* risk of getting cancer – Xanthohumol affects cancer-causing enzymes and reduces* the risk of suffering from cancer. It is important to mention that xanthohumol is more powerful than genistein (component found in soy).

Are all Beers the Same?

Are all Beers the Same
Even though beers generally contain same set of ingredients, they are not all the same. In order to get the best out of your beer you should be careful when you are purchasing the product. Some beers contain genetically modified ingredients, while some contain sweeteners, corn syrup, preservatives.
It is recommended to purchase craft beers. These beers are produced in microbreweries which do not mass produce their products. Microbreweries are focused on flavor, quality of the beer, and development of brewing technique. On the other hand, mass produced beers contain questionable ingredients and the companies are more focused on the quantity rather than on quality of the product.
When you are about to purchase beer, you should make sure label indicates that beer is:
  • Unfiltered
  • Unpasteurized
  • Made with barley, rye, wheat and other whole grains
  • Without preservatives
  • Without sweeteners or corn syrup.

Beer vs Wine – Who Wins?

Beer Vs Wine
It is widely believed that out of all alcoholic beverages, wine have most health benefits. However, studies proved we were wrong. US National Library of Medicine published a research whose purpose was to investigate beer, wine, and their health benefits.
Results of the study showed that beer can decrease* the risk of getting cancer, obesity, diabetes. Moreover, like it was mentioned above, beer also contains fibers which improve* digestion, while wine doesn’t contain fibers at all.
However, another study proved that consumption of both drinks resulted with reduced* chance of suffering from heart attack comparing to people who didn’t drink alcohol at all. Moreover, preferred drink didn’t make any difference.
The conclusion is, although both drinks are heart-healthy, beer has more health benefits than wine.
The key is moderation. Improper consumption of any of these drinks doesn’t have beneficial effect.

How Much Beer Should I Drink Per Day?

Beer can be healthy and is able to improve* our health, boost* immunity, and prevent many diseases. However, if you think the more you drink, the healthier you will be, you are wrong. The key to success can be found in moderation.
Moderate drinking was mentioned throughout this article for a reason. If you consume too much beer it will not result in improved* health.
According to scientists you should:
  • Be moderate and drink between one and three units per day
  • You should always make sure you eat a healthy meal
  • Your intake of beer should be consistent, which means if you have one beer today, you shouldn’t have 3 tomorrow
  • Men can drink up to 21 beers per week, while women can consume 14 during one week
  • You should stay away from drinking more than 5 beers during a short period of time.
Bottom line is, you should drink between one and three beers during the day and that is it.

Dos and Don’t’s

  • DO buy craft beers or other beers which do not contain harmful ingredients.
  • DON’T let your beer get too cold. People usually think the colder the beer, the better it is. However, that is wrong. When beer is too cold you can numb your palate and decrease* the ability to fully taste all its components. Experts suggest to slightly cool off the beer before drinking.
  • DON’T store the beer in the light – light can decrease* beer’s quality and that is why most companies have darker beer bottles. Additionally, the place you store your beer should be dark and cool.
  • DON’T drink beer on empty stomach – it can change the way your body processes alcohol.
  • DO try to be moderate – know when to stop. A few beers are more than enough to help you relax, retain their health benefits without eventually damaging your health.


Beer is one of the most famous drinks in the world. This alcoholic beverage has a lot of health benefits and can prevent some diseases if consummated in moderation.
How often do you drink Beer and What’s your favorite one? Please share your views in the comment box.

Top 10 Health Benefits Of Guava Leaves You Should Not Miss

Benefits Of Guava Leaves
Guava plants are not nearly as popular in the Americas as in other countries, though you should be able to find it at the local grocer. Perhaps instead of just searching out the fruit for it’s many health benefits however, you should (also) be shopping for Guava Leaves.
It is stated that guava leaf, like many other herbs, has an amazing array of qualities. Furthermore, they have been used by natives for many years due to their highly-effective healing characteristics.
OM Times also report that the leaves of guava are rich in anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents. They explain that the leaves also contain a large amount of antioxidants and that the combination of these properties can assist with alleviating painful symptoms.
This site further suggests a few initial benefits of the leaves of this seemingly un-noticed fruit.

1. Diabetes

The Yakult Central Institute located in Japan reported findings of a study that linked the consumption of tea produced from guava leaves to lower blood sugar levels. The study provided evidence that the tea reduces* the activity of alpha-glucosidease enzymes in the body. A group of patients consumed the tea for a total of 12 weeks. At the end of the study, no increase* in the production of insulin were observed, but all patients had lower overall blood sugar levels.
Further reports claim that the use of guava has been active in Chinese medicine for many years, especially as a treatment remedy for diabetes.
By inhibiting the absorption of sucrose and maltose, the two main types of sugar, guava leaf compounds, when steeped in hot water and served as a tea, can help individuals with diabetes effectively control their blood sugar levels, especially after eating a meal.

2. Digestion

By enhancing* enzyme production within the digestive tract, a tea produced with guava leaves can kill several known bacteria that is found within the stomach’s lining. This benefit is mainly due to the antibacterial properties found within the guava leaf. This process alleviates toxic enzymes from being created by bacteria within the digestive system. The leaves of guava trees can also assist with alleviating nausea and can be used as a treatment remedy for vomiting. Furthermore, studies claim that diarrhea and food poisoning can also be treated with these extracts. reports findings of a study that was published in 2008, linking the extracts of guava leafs to the growth of a bacteria that is associated with diarrhea. The bacteria are known as Staphylococcus arureas. The study was conducted by the Revista do Instituo de Medicina Tropical de Sau Paulo.
Antioxidants – Studies have also found that tea produced from guava leaves are rich in antioxidants, which assists in slowing down the aging process. The risk of developing debilitating diseases can also be reduced* with the consumption of this type of tea.
Benefits Of Guava

3. Quercetin

It is noted through the University of Maryland Medical Center that this compound acts like an antihistamine and an anti-inflammatory, and may help protect against heart diseaseand cancer.
Quercetin (QT) – quercetin is a flavonoid that is greatly studied for its many potential health benefits. It is an antioxidant similar to Vitamin C with anti-inflammatory effects.
To better help you understand these definitions – flavonoids and antioxidants are found in many foods.
Flavonoids help our system to metabolize our food and the anti-oxidants found within and surrounding many of these compounds, work together to give you optimal effect from the food you are putting in your body.
Follow the list here for more information on what this one antioxidant, found in guava tea leaves can do good for you –
– Helps Prevent or treat* Heart Disease and Hypertension – A study conducted in 1993 provided evidence that regular intake of guava fruit can decrease* blood lipids, as well as reduce* blood pressure. They go on to report that these benefits are mostly due to the high content of vitamin C, soluble fiber and potassium. While the small blood vessels are kept in a healthy state by the vitamin C content, the potassium assists the hearts by controlling blood pressure levels and keeping heartbeat study.
As a side note – It was found that a tea prepared with dried guava leafs can lower levels of cholesterol, as well as levels of triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein.
A 2010 study published in the Nutrition and Metabolism journal reported that a lower cholesterol level and lower lipoprotein density levels were observed among participants who consumed tea made from guava leaf. They also reported lower levels of triglycerides. These results were observed after an 8-week period. Other trials are reported to have similar results.

4. Allergic Reactions

The compounds inside guava leaves have been associated with the prevention of histamine being released when an allergic reaction occurs. Further studies also explain that almost 100% of allergic reactions can be blocked by these compounds.

5. Asthma

In China and a few other countries, guava leaf tea has been used by herbalists and folk healers for centuries.

6. Arthritis

These leaves are full of analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that have been proven to relieve arthritis pain. There are no side effects to this natural herbal supplement.
Some recipes recommend to collect fresh guava leaves, crush them into a paste and apply to the swelling joints. Swelling should be diminished*.

7. Cancer

In 2010, a study was conducted by a group of medical scientist to find the health benefits of guava on prostate cancer. The results of the study provided evidence that the size of a tumor in the case of prostate cancer can be reduced* through guava extract. This is reported to be a benefit of the Quercetin found in the leaves of a guava tree, in combination with other potent antioxidants that are also present. The researches go on to explain that this combination of compounds neutralizes damage done to the body by free radicals.

8. Prostate Problems

A 2010 study published in the Nutrition and Cancer journal reported that a process of extracting an aqueous compound from guava leaves shows promising results in fighting against cancer cells found in the prostate, in the case where a patient has been diagnosed with prostate cancer.
It is further stated that quercetin has shown effects that improve* athletic performance, bone health and the immune response, preventing fatigue and boosting energy.
It is recommended to drink a cup of tea made from guava leaves daily in order to develop resistance against common colds and the flu. Guava leaves are high in Vitamin C, playing an important role in improving* your immunity.

9. Maintains Oral Health

Herbalists recommend the use of guava leaves (in paste form) to maintain oral hygiene. It is stated that dental plaque is the principal factor in many oral health problems. The anti plaque properties of guava leaves are effective in preventing and treating oral problems. Use guava leaves to cure* toothaches, swollen gums and oral ulcers for their powerful antibacterial agents.
There are a few ways to use guava leaves for herein.
Guava Benefit
You may like to steep the leaves into a tea or churn them into a paste.
According to, you can make guava leaf tea by steeping leaves in hot water for five to ten minutes.
There is actually an entire website dedicated to Guava Leaf Extract where you will find several ways to prepare the leaves for a variety of different ailments. The site says that you should simmer guava leaves for a minimum of ten minutes to be sure the maximum amount of phytochemicals are extracted.
Phytochemicals are the various biological active compounds that make up all those antioxidants we were talking about.
So what’s really happened here are some benefits to the Quercetin compound found in Guava leaves. This antioxidant can be found in many plants and therefore Guava leaves are not alone in this class of healing fruits.
There are additional studies that have been conducted which have revealed several additional benefits to Guava Leaves. These are not well documented studies, but nonetheless offer a variety of additional benefits beyond what has been listed thus far within the category of the Quercetin compound.
Some of these could be old legend. Remember that guava leaves have been used by native people for centuries in methods for healing beyond western medicine techniques.
It is apparent that there are other remedies that we can look to the guava leaf for –

10. Hair Loss

This is a natural remedy – boil a handful of guava leaves in hot water for about 20 minutes. Allow to cool before massaging into your scalp.
Relieves Itching – This may fit along in the category of allergic reactions – place guava leaves on the skin, the allergy blocking compounds will alleviate itching.
The anti-inflammatory properties in guava leaves are good for acne and even blackheads. Churn the leaves into a paste and wash face (or affected area) with warm water.
With all the beneficial remedies these guava leaves offer, it’s no wonder the extract can be found in health food stores and online. Typically, it’s the quercetin that is being sold in the form of guava leaf extract.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Head And Neck Cancers: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment & More

Head and Neck Cancers


Cancers generally known as head and neck cancers typically begin in squamous cells lining the moist, mucosal surfaces in the head and neck. The squamous cell cancers are also called assquamous cell carcinomas. These cancers can also start in the salivary glands but this is a lot less common. The salivary glands have many different kinds of cells that can all develop into cancer thus there are many types of this cancer.

Signs and Symptoms

The most common symptoms of head and neck cancers can include a sore or lump that persists, a sore throat for prolonged periods, difficulty/pain swallowing and a change in the voice. Take note that these symptoms can also be caused by less serious conditions so do not panic if you have any of them. If you have any of these symptoms, consult your physician. There are also symptoms that affect certain areas of the head and neck depending on where the cancer develops.
Head and Neck Cancers Symptoms
  • Oral Cavity – A red or white patch anywhere on the gums, tongue or lining in the mouth; swelling of the jaw; and unusual pain or bleeding in the mouth that persists.
  • Pharynx – difficulty speaking or breathing; sore throat; pain in the neck area; frequent headaches or ringing in the ears; difficulty hearing.
  • Larynx – Difficulty/pain swallowing or pain in the ears.
  • Paranasal Sinuses And Nasal Cavity – The sinuses are blocked and don’t clear for a long time; chronic sinus infections that do not respond to antibiotics; nose bleeds; frequent headaches, blurred vision or swelling of the eyes; pain in the upper teeth; or problems with wearing dentures.
  • Salivary Glands – Swelling along the jawbone, numbness of facial muscles, or pain in the face, chin or neck that persists for a long time.

Causes and Risk Factors

The two top risk factors for head and neck cancers are alcohol and tobacco use. About 75% of head and neck cancers are related to these risk factors. Those who use tobacco products and consume alcohol regularly are at higher risk compared to those who use either tobacco or alcohol only. However, these are not risk factors for salivary gland cancers.
HPV Causes and Risk Factors
Infections with certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV) that can cause cancer is also a risk factor for certain head and neck cancers. In the US, there is an increasing* incidence of oropharyngeal cancers from HPV infection while those from other causes are declining. The other risk factors are as follows:
  • Paan or betel quid – People form Southeast Asia who use this in the mouth should know that the habit has a strong connected to an increased risk of oral cancer.
  • Mate – This tea-like beverage popular in South America increases* risk of cancers of the mouth, throat, larynx and esophagus.
  • Preserved/salted foods – Diets high in preserved or salted foods can increase* risk of nasopharyngeal cancer.
  • Oral health – Good oral health is important in reducing* risk of cancers of the oral cavity.
  • Occupational exposure – wood dust exposure from work is a risk factor for nasopharyngeal cancer. Industrial exposure like exposure to synthetic fibers and asbestos increases* risk of cancers in the larynx. Certain construction jobs can also increase* risk of cancer of the larynx.
  • Radiation exposure – this is a risk factor for cancer of the salivary glands.
  • Epstein-Barr virus infection – this is a risk factor for nasopharyngeal cancer and cancer of the salivary glands.
  • Ancestry – Asian ancestry specifically Chinese ancestry is a risk factor for nasopharyngeal cancer.


The types of head and neck cancers depend on where the cancer develops. It can be in the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity or salivary glands.

Tests and Diagnosis

Diagnosing head and neck cancers starts with evaluating the medical history of the patient and preforming physical examination. Then diagnostic tests can be ordered depending on the signs and symptoms of the patient. Examining a tissue sample under a microscope is completely necessary to confirm diagnosis of cancer. If cancer is diagnosed, the next step is to discover the stage of the disease and its extent. This may involve an examination in an operating room under anesthesia, x-rays and other imaging procedures and laboratory tests. Knowing the particular stage of the disease is crucial in making a treatment plan.
Head and Neck Cancers

Treatments and Medications

Treatment for head and neck cancer may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy or a combination of any of these treatments. The treatment plan depends on the particular case of the patient including several factors like location of the tumor, stage of the cancer, age of the patient and general health.

Precautions and Self Care

Regular follow-up care is crucial after treating head and neck cancer in order to make sure it has not returned or that a second primary cancer has not developed. Follow-up care may include exams of the stoma, regular dental exams, physical exams, blood tests, x-rays, computed tomography, positron emission tomography or magnetic resonance imaging scans. Thyroid and pituitary gland function may also be monitored especially if the cancer was treated using radiation. Patients who are smokers and heavy drinkers are asked to stop since these can reduce* effectiveness of treatment and increase* the chance that a second primary cancer will develop.

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