Sunday, August 12, 2018

Idol White Review: Is this Teeth Whitening Pen Effective?

What is tooth discoloration?
Lets start my Idol White review with a look at the basics of tooth discoloration. When teeth get undesirable spots on the surface (enamel) or inside the teeth (dentin) and change its original color, then this change is known as tooth discoloration. These teeth stains occur when substances stick within the pores present in the enamel and erode them.
These stains can be intrinsic or extrinsic, depending on its cause. Extrinsic stains can be clearly identified through their brown, black, grey or green-yellow color. Extrinsic stains occur when substances causing it stick to the teeth’s surface especially when it has cracks or dents. Intrinsic stains have red, pink or pale yellow color. They are caused due to trauma or ongoing high blood pressure medications or other treatments.
Once you get these stains brushing your teeth daily is just not enough!
If your tooth has already turned up yellow, you will require a whitener to remove this discoloration.

How to treat tooth discoloration?
For a million dollar smile, you have to keep a regular check on your dental health.
Firstly, you have to improve your oral hygiene habits, and then seek for a remedy to tackle the problem. Secondly, protect your enamel from the staining compounds that stick to your teeth. And last but not the least, you can try whitening toothpaste, bleaching powders for tooth whitening, or can buy tooth whitening products in form of pens, strips, trays from the market. You can also go for laser treatments but that would be costly.

What is Idol White?

dol White is a teeth whitening pen that claims to brighten your stained teeth. Their unique teeth whitening system is well known to vanish the yellow stains, returning a bright smile on user’s face
Idol White Teeth Whitening Pen contains active bleaching agents which attack long chained molecules of undesired substance that sticks to the outer surface of teeth. It also works for dentin layer by covering it with enamel’s white color.

The product ensures to provide sparkling teeth in just a few minutes after use. Rather than being messy, Idol White can be easily applied anytime at home. Moreover, its each pen contains 30 applications which are more than enough to clear up the stains at the primary stage.

Idol White claims:
Cleaning the teeth while whitening
Professional results at home
Safe and easy for use

How it Works?
dol White claims to return the natural whiteness of teeth enamel when it gets fade. The whitening gel and its topical brush fight stains and clear up the teeth to its original state.
Like other whiteners, Idol white also bleaches the teeth by using Hydrogen Peroxide as its active bleaching agent. These bleaching agents accelerate the active whitening process and detach the substances which stick to enamel in form of stains. They penetrate deep inside the teeth to return back its natural shade.

To know more for how it works, let’s check its natural ingredients…
Glycerin: Glycerin is proved to be effective in delivering teeth whitening agents deep into the enamel.

Hydrogen Peroxide: It is a common ingredient used by many teeth whitening products. This is due to its oxidizing properties that act like a bleaching agent when used in our teeth whitening formula.

Carbomer: It is another whitening agent that bleaches the enamel and returns back its white shiny look.
Sodium Hydroxide: Boosts up the whitening process by adding white color to our teeth.

EDTA: It helps to remove dirty toxins that support stains. It cleanses the teeth and gives it a glossy touch.

Pepermint Oil: For a fresh breath, peppermint oil works best.
Sodium Saccharin: This sugar-free content is added just to improve the taste when applied on teeth.

How do these ingredients work for tooth stains?
With the help of these active ingredients, all the stains get dissolve from its surface and enamel hides the dentin layer with a natural white covering. All these ingredients play a vital role to make this unique solution effective.
The process of whitening starts, when these bleaching agents release oxygen molecules into the teeth. These molecules fight the causes of interior and exterior stains.
These stains prevent light from reflecting back and due to which they appear to be dull. The yellowish content gets successfully removed after bleaching and white coat of teeth starts reflecting the light back. Now, this striking light can make your teeth shine.

How to use Idol White Teeth Whitening Pen?
This teeth whitening system is initially designed for 30 days. Each of its packing contains 2 pens, 2.5 mL each. One single pen can be used for 15 days with 30 applications.
Follow these directions to apply this pen on stained teeth:
1: Brush your teeth before applying the gel
2: Twist the cap of Idol White pen to open it3: Press the base to dispense teeth whitening gel
3: Press the base to dispense teeth whitening gel
4: Apply Idol White gel to teeth and close the cap
5: Leave it to dry for at least 30 seconds5: Rinse your mouth out after 20 minutes.
6: Rinse your mouth out after 20 minutes.

Women should not have their teeth whitened while pregnant or nursing.
The product is for adults and not for children below 18.
Not recommended for people having kidney stones, liver disorders or inflammation.
Not recommended for those who are taking blood thinning medications.
Long term use of the product can affect the gums.
Idol White Personal Review
Pros & Cons

Easy to use: You get professional teeth whitening results at home without splurging on costly dentist visits.

Straightforward to use: It is not at all messy! Irrespective of all the hassles, in just 3 steps you are done with it.

Safe and effective: It is a formulation of natural ingredients which are clinically approved. Moreover, the product is recommended by doctors due to its effective results.

Free trial offer is available: They care a lot for customer’s satisfaction and for this, they offer free trial pack for new customers. If you find it worth, you can buy more.

The product is at affordable price: Mostly, people are concerned with the price of product, but I this case you need not to worry. It is cheap and best.

Bleaching agents: Like mostly available teeth whitening products, it also contains bleaching agents which may cause tooth sensitivity on prolong use.
Gum irritations: The ingredients used in it may cause irritations in gums. In that case you have to consult your doctor.

Takes time to dry: You have to leave it to dry for some seconds while keeping your mouth open.

Idol White Side Effects?
Whitening does not cause any serious side effect. But still, by using these whiteners in abundance can show some sensitivity for a short while. Though the product is non-allergic but you may get mild gum irritation on its first use.

 Is Idol White effective?
Yes, The company claims it to be 100% fruitful for removing teeth discoloration. Yet, you need to follow a healthy routine and avoid all those habits which made you suffer from stains. If your routine is not hygienic, you can get it back soon. For that reason, you need to check the causes first.

Reasons behind tooth discoloration:
Excessive intake of caffeine and wine makes your teeth yellowish and pale.Use of tobacco creates stubborn stains on teeth’s surface
With growing age, outer enamel gets thinner and dentin starts getting visible.
Any physical injury in the tooth can possibly change tooth color.
Under certain medications, treatments like chemotherapy, the tooth may have discoloration.
My Personal Idol White Review
If you are one of those who rarely visit a dentist, no need to worry! You can treat your teeth of your own. You can
clear up all your teeth discoloration at home using some best whitening treatments. One of them is Idol White.
Idol White is available in form of a pen which doesn’t demands time to apply. Whereas, the whitening gel present in it, polish the surface as well as penetrate deep into it safely to whiten them inside out.
Use it twice a day to get white shiny teeth. It is an effective way to get a professional treatment of whitening at home and this makes it popular too.
But let me warn you, these bleaching agents may cause tooth sensitivity, though it may be temporary. Also, overuse of these whiteners may harm your enamel, gums. Better speak to your dentist if you feel any sensitivity.

When can you expect results?
After analyzing all the reviews, I found it working within a week. Though some were positive and there were negative comments too. According to them, effects of Idol White whitening gel are found to last for up to six months or in some cases can be less than that.

I would say that it completely depends on your lifestyle. If you stop smoking and minimize consumption of caffeine, alcohol etc you can get long lasting whitening result.

Idol White: Cost factor

When we stress on “Value of money”, in the case of Idol White it is valuable to buy the product. It is available at an affordable price that you won’t say NO for it ever. You can even try its free trail pack which costs nothing.
It is worth to buy it for $10.25
The best advantage of buying its 3 month supply is, they give next 3 months supply for free.

For More Information, Please go to Official Website

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