Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Rosacea (pronounced roh-ZAY-sha) is a chronic long-term skin condition that affects the face. The blood vessels enlarge to give the cheeks and nose a flushed, red appearance. Although it’s often referred to as acne rosacea it is not really a form of acne, more a vascular skin condition which may also be accompanied by spots and pimples.

Revitol rosacea treatment cream is one of the few over the counter treatments available on the market today. It's proven in its effectiveness and is subject to some very impressive reviews.
Read on to find out more about this amazingly effective product and to find out what other real users are saying about it or …

Rosacea typically affects adults over the age of 30 and under 50. Whilst the condition seems to affect more women than men it’s statistically more likely that men suffer an extreme case. Rosacea can develop in people of any skin colour but tends to occur most frequently in people with fair skin and is certainly more noticeable. Rosacea has been associated with the menopause and connected with the bacteria known to cause stomach ulcers.

There is also evidence to suggest that rosacea may be hereditary in some cases.

The symptoms of rosacea worsen over time if not treated. Symptoms include:
Redness Of Cheeks And Nose. Described as a butterfly distribution as any eruption usually causes redness or rosy appearance over both cheeks and down the nose.
Appearance of thin red lines over the facial area
Papules and pimples which can be inflamed, hard or pus filled.
Enlarged red nose with thick, knobbly bumps. This nodular swelling is called rhinophymia and only affects severe cases.
Eye problems. redness, dryness, burning, and irritation of the outer edges of the eyes known as Blepharitis which effects about 50% of rosacea cases.
The exact cause of rosacea is still not known. What we do know is that there are certain thinks that can trigger an outbreak or make the condition worse and particular foods and drink which may dilate the vessels and aggravate the symptoms:

Hot drinks and especially the high caffeine ones like tea and coffee
Alcohol can worsen the condition so avoid
Hot, spicy foods can have an adverse affect
Other rosacea triggers to watch out for and be aware of are:

Overheating and extremes of temperature, including hot baths.
Over exposure to the elements – sun and wind.
Strenuous exercise.
Stress and anxiety
Skincare products containing alcohol – use only natural ingredients
Rubbing, scrubbing or massaging the face.
Steroid creams for other skin conditions, such as eczema.
Rosacea can be controlled but not cured. You will probably have to continue with a treatment regime to prevent symptoms from returning.

Avoid the foods, drinks and triggers that will worsen the condition as listed above.
Use sunscreens and barrier creams to protect your face from the elements.
Use only skincare products containing natural ingredients. Choose products containing Witch Hazel as this can gently astringe the blood vessels.
Rosacea if often mistaken for acne because of the bumps and pimples that the condition can cause and so getting the correct diagnosis is absolutely vital before you commence any form of treatment. Standard acne treatments may not be the right and could actually make the condition worse.

We suggest that you always consult a doctor to ensure you get the correct diagnosis. There may also be antibiotics or topical creams that can be prescribed and, in very extreme cases, surgery may be recommended.

If you are one of the unfortunate 16 million people to be diagnosed with Rosacea  each year you’ll undoubtedly have come to realise that many of the skin creams on the market today prove to be of little benefit against this problem. That’s because the root cause of Rosacea lies under the skin and not of the surface.

So, in finding the best treatment for Rosacea you’ll need to consider a specialist product that’s specifically formulated to tackle this problem.

Revitol Rosacea Cream is an over the counter specifically formulated to combat the symptoms of this condition and can really make a difference. It provides a natural formulation to ease all Rosacea symptoms in a cream specifically designed to treat the redness, irritation and unsightliness of Rosacea with a single, easy application. It's sold in over 200 countries of the world, is proven to work, has received numerous very positive reviews and comes with a full money back guarantee.

Revitol rosacea is a very easy to apply topical cream – apply directly to affected area and it gets to work by reducing the redness caused by the condition and diminishing the visual appearance of the blood vessels, lumps and bumps that typically appear on the face. It's formulated from 100% natural ingredients and is so is totally safe to use. It contains all the essential oils and an anti-bacterial agents needed to treat the skin condition and is also designed to rejuvenate and moisturize the skin leaving it feeling smooth to the touch.

The cream works in a number of ways; first of all the all-natural ingredients work towards narrowing the blood vessels to reduce redness and the vessels being visually obvious. The antibacterial agents then target and eliminate all the bacteria on the surface of the skin to treat any pus filled pimples prevent any further break outs.

The cream also contains a natural form of collagen and it’s this boost that helps keep the skin supple and young, and helps fight off irritation caused by dryness.

Finally, the treatment contains all the natural oils needed to protect and defend against rosacea.

There's no need to put up with the unsightly and often embarrassing appearance of Rosacea or the psychological effects that comes with it – Revitol Rosacea treatment cream will rid those annoying symptoms once and for all!

Below are a selection of reviews – some, but not all, are from verified purchasers and users.

First of all – as we’ve come to expect with all Revitol products, customer service and delivery is usually of high standard:

I just wanted to commend you guys on your fast shipping and customer service. And I’m loving the product! – Sam, ID

This is no miracle product and it won't work overnight so if that's what you’re looking for then this is definitely not for you, there’s no pretence either:

The directions for this product clearly state that it takes time for it to work. FBG

Nothing ever works for everyone though and there are those who report no benefits:

No visible results, period. Used as directed for many weeks, but no positive results whatsoever. I will not recommend this product to anyone with rosacea. Waste of money. Lu

I don't know what I was expecting this product to do for Rosacea but it doesn't do anything. It's just a nice face cream but it doesn't make the broken capillaries less noticeable or diminish the redness. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone suffering from Rosacea. Joanne F

Not for me, it made my skin dry and it made it more red. It might work on others but not me. Infan

This last comment is interesting though as more users report a worsening of symptoms initially – but with time …

I had mild to moderate Rosacea. Bought this cream and used it for about 2 weeks. My irritated skin was so dry and flaking I stopped using it. –

I gave it another try about 6 months later after reading a review that said she kept using it even though she had flaking/dryness and after about a month noticed a significant difference. So I tried it again and the same thing happened for about 3-4 weeks then my skin finally stopped peeling and flaking. My skin looks better than it has in 2 years after 2 months of consistent use. I love this stuff! Nicole W

Honestly. I was on the verge of discontinuing Revitol Rosecea cream, but I'm glad I didn't. After only a few weeks of using it , I was not very much impressed. However , the benefits of its application were more noticeable over an extended period of time. Revitol Rosecea cream significantly reduced underlying pain discomfort and facial redness. I would not hesitate to recommend this product. Dan C

You need to give this product a chance.. You will not see instant results. Twice a day for two months, then my face has improved 100%!!! I used to have severe rosacea with itching on my cheeks, after two months of use twice a day, my face has improved 100% and I don't even have to use foundation to cover the redness anymore =) Mia

Of course, just as there are those for whom Revitol rosacea cream didn’t work at all, there are others who report immediate results:

I began using this product a few days ago and I can honestly say that the bright red broken capillaries around my nose have almost disappeared! I fortunately do not have a terrible Rosacea problem, but I am definitely concerned enough to want to do what I can now to keep it at bay. I am very happy with the results so far and would recommend this product. Gloria S

I have tried many creams to reduce my rosacea on my cheeks and this one worked within a week of using it. The redness was dramatically reduced and it did not irritate my skin in that area. Try it, you won't be disappointed. Lesley V

We’ll leave the last word to a very happy purchaser …. :

I really see a huge difference, bumps and pimple looking craters are almost all gone, they are now hard to see without getting up real close, redness gone, bumpy craters shrinking big time,….
going to buy another jar in just a minute!

We hope you found this review helpful and hope that Revitol rosacea treatment cream works for you.  You can find out more, read other reviews, check out the special offers and buy the product at the official Revitol rosacea website:


As explained earlier, Revitol rosacea treatment cream is specifically formulated from top quality, natural, organic, FDA-approved ingredients that work in the following way:

Anti-Inflammatory – To constrict blood vessels and reduce visible redness and rosy appearance.

Bacteria-Fighting – To kill off surface and hence prevent further Rosacea breakouts.

Collagen Boosting – To strengthen facial collagen, help your face heal from breakouts and irritation and give more resilience against future outbreaks.

Oil Regulation – To regulate the natural oils in your skin and hence create a natural defence against the causes of Rosacea.

It's a tested and proven remedy for Rosacea and is a popular choice with people all over the world which can dramatically improve the appearance of your skin and moisten the dryness leaving your skin feeling soft , smooth, moisturized and healthy. So If you suffer from rosacea and are tired of the irritation and the embarrassment, it is definitely worth considering – why not give it a try?

For More Information, Please go to Official Website

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