Saturday, August 18, 2018

Revitol Hair removal Cream:Review

Our search for hair removal creams that works continue, and a few weeks ago we've
stumbled upon the revival Hair Removal Cream.
Revitol is a well known skin care product  company and their stuff goes from stretch marks to skin brightener, cellulite creams and much more. We had been hearing so many good words about this unwanted hair removal product that we HAD to try it.
As with all chemical depilatories, all you have to do to get rid of unwanted hair is apply the product, wait a few minutes and wipe it off (also see our special section here). This is all absolutely pain free.

That said, robably one of the greatest features of the Revitol cream is the possibility to use it on any area of the body; yes you heard it right! this cream is not for one area specifically, you can use it everywhere: on your underarms, face, bikini line, back etc

Is Revitol Hair removal cream Safe?

As usual we recommend to check with your doctor to make sure everything is ok, or you can simply apply the cream on a small portion of your skin and check it out after a few minutes, if nothing happens then you're good to go 🙂 but generally speaking yes, the cream is safe.

So we tried the product, wiped it off after 7-15 minutes (it takes a bit more than regular creams) and we got really surprised. Not only it did remove almost all the hairs, but there was no burning or itching feeling AT ALL and the skin was left silky smooth.
The final results were pretty good if compared to most drug store available hair removal creams; we didn't see any hairs grow back until the 7th day after using the product, which is almost above the average duration. Another great feature are the so called inhibitors, which slow and thin regrowth; this is particularly awesome especially cause it allows you to use the product for example only once a week and get long lasting effects.

The smell, on the other hand is not very pleasant... yep, we gotta admit this product pretty much stinks! Just kidding, although it doesn't smell like flowers, it doesn't actually stinks either 🙂 and one thing we're pretty confident about, is that most of you people don't really care about the smell, you want to get those hairs off right?!

This might be attributed to the ingredients of the Revitol cream, which contains pro-vitamin, aloe vera and natural plant extracts, which are all natural ingredients and make this an awesome feature for sensitive skin as well. The all natural ingredients also help getting a moisturising effect, this is pretty good especially if you are usually subject to irritations after you use creams or shavers.

Day 1 - My First Impression
My initial impression (and I’m assuming yours as well) was that the Revitol hair removal cream looks like a sketchy product.

I gotta say I couldn’t be more surprised when it came in so fast and well packaged.

The main reason that got me interested in this product was its all natural ingredients. I have a very sensitive skin and was actively looking for something like this.

After a Few Days Using The Cream
The product felt awesome. It’s delicate to the skin, and it gives almost immediate results. All I’ve had to do was apply it and wipe it off. That’s it! In a couple of minutes, I had perfectly smooth and hairless skin. No burns or rashes. I was surprised.

That’s why the Revitol is not as popular as other hair removal brands. People rarely trust what’s written on the bottle, and they’d rather go with the major brand products just because that’s what tv tells them to buy!

However, this is where Revitol is different. Its unique formula comes with nourishing ingredients, which will nurture the skin, rather than damage it. The cream is based on bioactive ingredients with dilatator agents, which will loosen up the cells around follicles and make even the toughest hair fall off easily.

More than that, I noticed that the frequent usage of this cream slowly starts to inhibit the growth of the hair. Over time, my hair follicles had become less active, the hairs got thinner, and lighter.

All this without hurting the skin tissue at all. It actually made my skin softer.

Is It Really 100% Natural?

This product is based on a mix of ingredients extracted from plants, minerals or other natural sources. The idea behind this cream is not to abuse or attack your skin. Many hair removal creams are very intrusive, as they are based on synthetic chemicals. These can cause rashes, allergic reactions, and over time, they damage the skin tissue.

The Aloe Vera extract will help your skin rejuvenate while Vitamin E and A blend with green tea extracts, will soften and smoothen the skin texture. Since it is based mostly on natural ingredients, I found that the Revitol cream can be applied on most body parts, including sensitive areas like the upper lip, underarms, and bikini line.

This makes it an awesome tool in your beauty arsenal for those times when you are in a hurry!

As usual just make sure to keep the cream away from extra sensitive surfaces, such as genitals, freshly injured or tattooed skin and eyes. Don’t be like me, I’ve made the stupid mistake once and never will again… tattoes particularly hurt!!

The Revitol cream does not contain any powerful allergens. However, just to be safe, I recommend you take a small allergy test before you start using it. Do it on the day prior to the first usage.

Pick a small skin area, about one square inch, and apply the cream to it. Let it there for about a minute then wait a day and then look for the reaction, rashes or any other side effects.

What’s in the box?
Nothing special here, you will get a blue tube of cream with short instructional pamphlet, where you can find everything about the ingredients, possible side-effects, and contra-indications.

Make sure you carefully read everything and talk to your doctor if necessary.

What’s So Good About It?
You will love this product if you have sensitive skin. As mentioned before, it is based on natural ingredients, so the possibility of allergic reactions or side effects are kept to a minimum.

Another benefit of this cream is that it will inhibit the hair growth, and it can be used anywhere on the body. Not much else to add except the new Revitol cream works like a charm.

Ingrown hairs and razor cuts will be a thing of the past, same thing for pain and rashes caused by waxing.

Well, Nothing is perfect!
One downside I could point out is the price. To be honest it is a little high especially if you’re used to common brands that you find in retail stores. Though that scared me away initially, the safety it offers totally got me over it. So my personal opinion is, spend a bit more to get a better product 🙂

What's all this fuss about it?
Again, most reviews I found online previous to my order were rushed and inaccurate. A lot of people complain about the cream not giving the results it should, too bad they didn’t even read the instructions properly and either leave the cream on for too long or not long enough for it to be effective.

I always stress this point for a good reason, each product has its own specific qualities, but you need to make sure to comply with that the manufacturer advise you to do. Instructions are there for a reason.

Where Can I Buy The Revitol Hair Removal Cream?
If you are wondering where to buy Revitol, don’t worry. Usually, many of the best beauty shops are selling the product, but the bigger brands have a better exposure on the shelf.

If you can’t find this cream at the local beauty shop, you will be able to buy it online.

Can i get the Revitol from other stores like Target, CVS, Walmart or Boots?
Short answer for this is NO, you just can't. But as i mentioned earlier, the product is available online from the official site as well as from

What's The Best Price?
Amazon and other big retailers are selling these creams in set of 1 or 2, from prices between $29.95 and $110.

A single 4oz bottle of cream it’s plenty to give you good results. I am pretty hairy but I was able to almost go on for a full moth with a single bottle.

The best deal you’ll find online, it’s from the official site. You just need to sign up with your data, buy the the cream and they’ll throw in bonus free month supply included with your order!

I truly believe for this price you get an amazing value. If you have a very sensitive skin and are tired of wasting money on cheap depilatory creams that don’t work, the Revitol is probably your best option.

What's The Verdict? Is The Revitol Worth Your Money?
I wanted to try a non retail hair removal cream and we gotta say we're pretty happy with this product, overall it's an outstanding hair removal cream with lots of great features and a few minimal few downsides.

If you're looking for an amazing alternative to your usual depilatory cream this is for you!

For More Information, Please go to Official Website

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