Sunday, February 11, 2018

Top 10 Health Benefits of Dates

The Dates is one of the sweetest and healthiest fruit which has been cultivated since around 6000 B.C. Date is the product of date palm tree and comes packed with plenty of health benefits of dates. There are as many as 4,000 types of dates. Dates can be consumed fresh as well as dried.

Dates are a good source of proteins, carbohydrates, various minerals and vital vitamins which make it a magical remedy to fight off different ailments. This oval and cylindrically shaped fruit can be beneficial to treat various medical conditions like heart and intestine problems, constipation, anemia and more. It also promotes digestive and brain health.

Top 10 Health Benefits of Dates

1.Dates for Constipation

If you are suffering from the problem of constipation, then the best option is to resort to dates. This is because dates are known as a laxative food and contains high levels of dietary fiber which facilitates regular bowel movement. This helps the food to pass smoothly through the intestinal tract.

2.Dates for Weight Gain

Dates contain a high level of proteins which are essential for the development of your body muscles. It also has plenty of important vitamins which are vital for weight gain. Drinking milk mixed with dates and almond assists you to gain weight.

3.Dates to Boost Energy Levels

Dates are considered as energy boosters as they come loaded with plenty of healthy nutrients and health benefits of Dates. It consist of natural sugars like glucose, fructose, and sucrose which help to enhance your energy levels. If you are feeling fatigued or exhausted on a warm summer day then having few dates during the afternoon will provide you with instant energy and will rejuvenate your body.Another option is to eat some dates along with cereals. Let’s check out the recipe:

4.Dates To Strengthen Nervous System

Dates are a rich source of vital vitamins especially vitamin B which is essential for proper functioning of the nervous system. The high potassium content of dates also promotes a healthy nervous system. The healthy nervous system helps to keep your brain sharp and alert & it also aids proper sleep.

5.Dates to Combat Anemia
Dates are considered as one of the most effective remedies to treat anemia. Anemia means iron deficiency and can lead to low hemoglobin levels. One of the health benefits of dates are its a rich source of iron and thereby help in the production of hemoglobin in the body. Vitamin C in dates aids your body to absorb iron.

6.Dates to Keep your Heart Healthy

Dates help to boost your heart health. The high potassium and low sodium content of dates are perfect for regulating the heart rate and controlling the blood pressure. The high level of potassium even provides protection against strokes and other heart-related problems. The magnesium content present in dates helps in proper functioning of the heart.

7.Dates to Cure Alcoholic Intoxication
Is hangover after an excessive drinking session bothering you? Don’t worry; consuming dates can give you an instant relief from an alcoholic hangover. Dates help to detoxify the body by removing toxins from the liver after consumption of over alcohol. This, in turn, helps to get rid of severe hangovers.

8.Dates for Diarrhea

One of the best health benefits of dates are it is an excellent natural remedy for diarrhea. Dates come packed with potassium which helps to control diarrhea. Dates are easily digestible and consist of a soluble fiber which assists to relieve diarrhea. Dates paste can be an effective remedy to heal diarrhea.

9.Dates to Get Rid of Arthritis Inflammation:

Dates with its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties help to control pain and swelling in the joints which are the main symptoms of arthritis. The high content of potassium and magnesium in dates strengthen the bones which in turn decreases the danger of arthritis. You can use date seed oil in order to cure arthritis inflammation.

10.Dates for Healthy Pregnancy

Dates come loaded with vital nutrients and are considered as superfood during pregnancy. Dates are beneficial for both the pregnant mother and the unborn baby. Dates help to get rid of constipation which is one of the common issues at the time of pregnancy.

One of the health benefits of Dates is that it  provide strength to the uterine muscles which aid in the easy delivery of the child.  As per the recent research, consuming dates in last 4 weeks prior to pregnancy decreases the need for induction and the labor augmentation

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