Monday, February 12, 2018

Top 10 Health Benefits of Lychee

Lychee or Litchi is widely popular as a summer fruit that excites the taste buds and bring a cooling effect to beat the scorching summer heat. They are rich source of nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin B-complex and minerals like manganese, magnesium, iron and folic acid and adding them into your diet can provide you with various health benefits.

 Here are top 10 health benefits of lychees.

1. Regulates Blood Pressure

Patients with hypertension (high blood pressure), can add lychees to their diet as they are found to be rich in potassium. Potassium helps maintain the salt balance in our body and negate the effect of excess sodium. It also reduces the constriction of blood vessels and arteries and thus promote the health of our cardiovascular system.

2. Fights off Free radicals

Due to the high content of Vitamin C, Vitamin B complex and flavonoids, lychees provide protection against the oxidative stress which produces free radicals. These free radicals are responsible for various types of cancer, inflammation and other progressive or degenerative diseases.

3. Strengthen blood vessels

Lychees contain a nutrient named Rutin, which is known for strengthening blood vessels and  protecting from heart diseases. If you are suffering from varicose veins or hemorrhoids, or bruising, lychees can be effective.

4. Boosts our Immune system

Lychees are a rich source of Vitamin C, which is an essential nutrient required to boost our immune system. This vitamin stimulates the function of White blood cells and thus improves the immune function of our body and helps in protecting against common disease like cold, flu and cough.

5. Prevent Viral Infection

Lychees contain a compound named Litchitannin A2, which has been found to be effective in preventing the spread or outbreak off viruses, including herpes simplex virus.

6. Promotes better blood circulation

Lychees contain nutrients like iron, folic acid and minerals like magnesium and manganese that help in promoting the production and circulation of blood. Hemoglobin, which is made of iron, helps in transporting oxygen throughout our body. Magnesium present in lychee help in forming blood clots in our body or otherwise one can bleed excessively due to its deficiency.

7. Promotes Digestive health

If you are suffering from any digestive issues like constipation or flatulence or gastric issues, lychees can be really helpful as they contain significant amount of dietary fibers. These dietary fibers add bulk to your stool and stimulate the bowel movement and also stimulate the production of gastric and digestive juices that in turn make the nutrient absorption more efficient.

8. Prevents skin aging

Due to the presence of Vitamin C and high water content, lychees can be helpful in delaying the onset of skin aging significantly. Vitamin C helps in destroying the free radicals to slow the aging process.

9. Enhances our metabolism

Lychees contain high amount of dietary fiber, and vitamin B complex, which are essential for increasing our metabolism. Poor metabolism can affect the proper assimilation, absorption of nutrients and excretion of wastes. People with insulin resistance can be affected by poor absorption. For them addition of lychees can be really significant in enhancing their metabolic rate.

10. Anti-inflammatory properties

Lychees have anti inflammatory properties due to the presence of nutrient known as Kaempferol. This nutrient can suppress inflammation and tissue damage caused by high intensity exercises.

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