Monday, February 12, 2018

Top 10 Health Benefits Of Pomelo

Pomelois the largest fruit that belongs to the family of citrus. This juicy sweet flesh was first originated in China. Hence the fruit is commonly referred as Chinese grapefruit. It is widely found in countries such as India, USA, and Japan. Bali lemon, shaddock, pompelmous are few other names by which pomelo is referred with.

Common Names: Citrus maxima, Citrus grandis, Jabong, Pommelo. Pomello, Pummelo, Pamplemousse, and Shaddock
Binomial name: Citrus maxima

The upper layer of the fruit is soft, thick but easy to peel off. The inside the fruit comprises of a wide range of yellow to pink colors. It is loaded with vitamin C, Vitamin B and beta-carotene. Pomelo is also rich in folic acid and therefore the fruit is highly recommended for pregnant women. The fruit can be more delicious when added in fruit salads. Read on the article to get more information regarding health benefits of pomelo.

Top 10 Health Benefits Of Pomelo

1. Cancer
Pomelo is a goldmine of bioflavonoids substance, which fights against cancer cells. It mainly stops the growth of breast, intestinal and pancreatic cancer cells and removes excess estrogen present in the body. Its antioxidant properties could be attributed to the presence of phenolic compounds and ascorbic acid. In a study done by “University Putra, Selangor, Malaysia”, researchers found that pomelo pulp and peel both contain antioxidants and when added in daily diet could help body to fight with various diseases including cancer

2. Cholesterol:
The fruit is known to reduce cholesterol levels. Thus including pomelo fruit in the regular diet checks heart related issues. Potassium is available in pomelo in abundance which plays an important role in keeping heart healthy. Due to presence of pectin, the juice of the fruit helps in clearing accumulated arterial deposits in the body thus helps people suffering with hypertension

3 .mmune System:
 Consumption of one glass pomelo juice on regular basis helps the person to regain the lost immunity in the body. In addition it also fights against other severe health ailments. One fruit gives a total 600% of vitamin C requirements daily. Vitamin C in the fruit acts as antioxidants which increases the white blood cell activities and prevents damage to organs. It also helps to prevent cold, cough and other related bacterial and viral infections

4. Weight Loss:
Furthermore the fruit is also helpful for people who try hard to reduce their weights. As the fruit is rich in fat burning properties it helps in absorbing and reducing starch and sugar from the body. This ultimately results in losing weight without any harmful side-effects. Uncommon enzyme Carnitine pamitoyl-transferase is a fat burning enzyme present in this fruit. This enzyme helps in reducing weight

5. Pregnancy:
 As pomelo is very rich in vitamin C, it helps in fighting against common tiredness faced in pregnancy. It also reduces the growth of bacteria in the urinary tract.The potassium content in pomelo helps in tightening of the muscles

6. Injury:
Furthermore vitamin C present in pomelo helps in strengthening the injured skin at faster rate. Hence it is mostly advisable for people who have undergone surgeries

7. Teeth and Gums:
Pomelo is rich in Collagen substance which helps in building strong teeth and gums. In addition it is the best natural fruit that helps to reduce bad breath

8. Bowel Movements:
This juicy fruit is also rich in fiber which helps in sustaining normal bowel movements. In addition it also aids from constipation related issues.Pomelo is highly recommended fruit to treat digestive problems as well

9. Digestion:
The juice of pomelo is known to be acidic in nature. Including the juice in the diet promotes easy digestion. Due to rich in fiber it helps in constipation and even diarrhea. Eating one fruit could help in getting 25% of daily fiber requirement of the body. Its fiber content also helps in breaking down complex proteins which are difficult for body to digest
Metabolic Disorders: Extracts from Pomelo peels could treat metabolic disorder caused due to intake of high fat foods. Metabolic syndrome is one of the primary concern for people living in both developed and developing countries and this fruit could be used for its cure or for possible drug development link

10. Diabetes:
Pomelo peel extract is proved to improve glucose tolerance. In addition it also improves insulin resistance primarily for people who go for high fat diet
Various Diseases: Pomelo is very useful for people who are suffering from different health disorders such as insomnia, fever, fatigue and more. The fruit treats asthma, increases stamina and regulates blood pressure
Essential Oils: One of the primary benefit of Pomelo essential Oil is that it helps in hair loss after use for 1 week. It helps in thickening of thin hairs and helps in maintaining its health. It also promotes new hair growth. It also helps in relieving stress, uplifting the mood and nervous exhaustion

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