Friday, March 23, 2018

Best Memory Pills Of 2018 – Expert Reviewed

Memory pills referrers to a class of drugs and supplements meant to treat* memory problems and enhance* mental performance. These drugs are sought out by a great number of people as made apparent by the $1billion[1] worth of sales of these drugs in 2015. They were initially developed to treat* diseases that cause memory problems such as Alzheimer’s disease, and ADHD, but in our modern-day competitive society, more and more healthy people are turning to drugs to enhance* their memory.
This known fact has caused concern among neuroscientists and psychiatrists as pointed out in an article from Medicine, Health Care, and Philosophy. While there should be a reason for concern with the misuse of these drugs, we shouldn’t ignore the fact that some of them are clearly effective as proven in numerous clinical studies and many of them rely on safe and natural ingredients to enhance* memory and cognitive performance. However, there are some best Memory Pills 2018 that works well and deliver quick results.

What You Will Learn
How to Choose Best Memory Pills?
What Studies Have Been Done on Memory Pills?
How do Memory Pills Work?
How Can Memory Pills Change Your Life?
How to Get the Most from Your Memory Pills?
How to Choose Best Memory Pills?
The best memory pills are those that support your natural brain physiology, health, and functioning. Drugs that work as psychostimulants push your brain to its limits which may do more harm than good. When choosing your memory pills, concentrate on the ingredients lists, manufacturer reputation, and look for safety certificates and approval from the FDA. A good way to know that the memory pills of your choice are both safe and effective is to see if the ingredients in them went through peer-reviewed studies and clinical trials. The ingredients in your top rated memory pills should be clearly listed.

What Studies Have Been Done on Memory Pills?
The progressive loss of memory in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has led researchers to find out more about how memory functions by examining this disorder. Scientific research has found that cholinergic mechanisms play a large role in different types of memory. Furthermore, cholinergic cells are the first to degenerate in an AD which is why drugs that block acetylcholine enzymes such as donezapil were developed[2] to slow down memory problems in the AD. Natural and herbal acetylcholine-boosting supplements were also studies for their safe effects on working and long-term memory as were vitamin and nutraceutical supplements.

For instance, one study examined how the use of a combination of a nutraceuticals formulation consisting of brain-enhancing nutrients and acetylcholine precursors improved* memory in healthy adults. The study found a significant improvement in memory functioning after only 2 weeks of use in comparison with placebo controls.

Memory Health Info

How Do Memory Pills Work?
As already mentioned, some memory pills work by affecting the levels of neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine in the brain. Other memory pills based on herbal extracts from like Gingko biloba or Panax Ginseng work by improving* blood flow to the brain and preventing brain cell death caused by free radicals.

Natural memory pills also contain nutrients like vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid which studies[3] found helped improve* memory. Since the brain is an organ just like any other, it needs nutrients, antioxidants, and oxygen to function properly. The brain is where memories form and supporting its health is one way that memory pills work to enhance* memory.

Popular Ingredients: What to Expect from Memory Pills?
Some of the most popular ingredients in memory pills are natural and even essential for normal brain functioning. Some of these popular natural ingredients include omega-3 fatty acids, folate, vitamins C, E, B12, B9, and B6, Gingko biloba and others.

Dietary choline is another popular ingredient in treating age-related cognitive decline and that one study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found improved* cognitive performance in healthy individuals. College students often turn to a caffeinated product to enhance* memory and concentration.

In the U.S., Adderall which contains amphetamine is also massively used in improving* academic performance. However, most people won’t turn to stimulant drugs to enhance* their memory and cognitive performance.

How Can Memory Pills Change Your Life?
Improvement of the cognitive performance is one of the main health benefits that researchers have found memory pills to possess. Memory pills are accompanied by a wide range of health benefits that can change your life. If you have been suffering from dementia, the memory pills will ease symptoms by increasing* blood flow to the brain.

On the other hand, for patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, memory pills are very effective in reducing* the effects of memory and energy loss. People who use memory pills have a less risk of developing the disease as compared to those who don’t. These pills also enhance* the level of concentration which gives you better social behaviors which include better communication and self-control.

Memory pills also give you a complete command of all the cognitive functions of your brain. They make you more alert, vibrant and help you boost* your memory. These pills increase* the activity of glutamate which increases* neurotransmitters in the brain making it easy to learn and easy to remember the information. You will, therefore, find it easy to remember the name of your pet or the place that you visited last with your partner.

On the other hand, memory pills also have a huge number of health benefits to your brain. They greatly increase* the level of attention, memory, alertness and problem-solving. After taking the pills, you instantly start to show an improved* performance especially to those of you who may have been sleep deprived for a long period of time.

The people who have previously used memory pills can also tell you that, they facilitate an improved* level of alertness, problem-solving and attention. These results, therefore, are a great indicator of how memory pills can improve* your life.

How to Get the Most from Your Memory Pills?
To get the most from your favorite memory pills, don’t rely solely on pills to improve* your memory. The human mind and body are too complex to completely transform with the help of a magic* pill. A meta-analysis[4] on the effects of exercise on memory in elderly persons and those with dementia found that most studies show it improved* all aspects of mental functioning.

As explained in one article[5] on the relationship between memory and enhancement drugs, the mind-body connection cannot be ruled out when treating memory problems. In other words, if you want a good memory, you need to take care of our overall health.

The Overall Best Memory Pills
If you want to find memory pills that will work for you, here is a rundown on the 10 best memory pills of 2018:

#1 Provasil
Provasil contains an all-natural but powerful formula designed to enhance* overall cognitive performance. The product manufacturers have included a number of ingredients such as N-Acetyl Carnitine, Phosphatidycholine, DHA, Choline Bitartrate, and a number of other ingredients which independent studies found increased alertness and memory.

This memory supplement has been found to slow down the aging process of the brain. According to a research in the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology, adults over the year of 45 years showed an accelerating rate of brain aging. These symptoms included a problem in thinking capacity, decision making, and memory.

Its ingredients such as Choline Bitartrate have nutrients that help the brain to remain young and maintain its focus. On the other hand, Provasil contains other vital ingredients such as phosphatidylserine which is an ingredient known to improve* the memory of Alzheimer patients.

Of most importance to note is that the supplement has zero chemicals. Therefore, by using Provasil, you will be assured to be using a naturally enhanced* supplement which will not only help you with your brain functions such as learning but will also protect you against common brain diseases such as Alzheimer and dementia.

#2 Noocube
NooCube is brain enhancer that is basically used due to its cognitive enhancement gains. It is claimed that this product delivers essential nutrients to the brain to boost* its efficacy. Also, it has been shown to improve* memory, boost* attention and focus, and heighten the response time. One bottle is rated at $ 43.23 and all their products are offered on free shipping. If in any case, you find this product unworthy, you can return the product within the 60 days of the purchase date for a full refund.

However, this product can only be purchased in the online stores. Additionally, the ingredients used in the formulation of this nootropic product are common in other products and may provide the same the same benefits.

This nootropic contains ingredients that help in the regulation of blood flow to the brain and helps you in remaining focused throughout the day. These ingredients include oatstraw, bacopa, cat’s claw, alpha GPC, and huperzine-A. All of the above ingredients are naturally found within the environment and help the brain remain alert.

A recent research conducted with young adolescents found out that, Huperzine-A helped in maintaining the learning neurotransmitter. Additionally, another ingredient (Bacopa) enhanced* memory retention. By following a proper diet, this memory supplement will become effective within a few days.

#3 Geniux
This product aims to boost* memory and focus in those who most need it. It contains cholinergic compounds, Bacopa Monnieri, and Gaba that are meant to enhance* your brain’s overall performance.

This nootropic is a medically recognized psychostimulant that helps in brain functioning and stimulation. Geniux has for a long time been referred to as the ultimate smart pill due to its overall efficacy. Its natural ingredients help in enhancing* brain functions such as boosting the memory and increasing* attention.

Basically, the supplement is known for helping the cognitive abilities of the brain that involve learning and problem-solving.A study in the year 2015 showed that Geniux was mostly used by many college and university students who regularly used the pill in their studies. Out of the 70 students interviewed after using this nootropic, more than 58% said that their grades had tremendously improved* since then.

On the other hand, this brain supplement has for long been used by professionals in different fields. These are specifically those that require intense mental function and a lot of attention. This is basically because the natural ingredients (Alpha GPC, Theanine, Acacia Rigidula, Vinpocetine, and Bacopin) used to manufacture the supplement help in increasing* mental function and alertness.

#4 Addium
Addium has a similar formula to Geniux but unlike the Geniux company, Addium offers clients more information regarding the safety and efficiency of their product. The product works by boosting neurotransmitter levels with acetylcholine precursors and improving* blood flow with ingredients like Bacopa monnieri which one study on rats found to be highly effective.

In addition, this supplement is one of the most powerful brain enhancers in the world. This is due to the fact that addium is used by many people to promote brain health.

According to a research by Harvard University students on the functions of various brain supplements, Addium was found to be a very effective memory enhancer. People who regularly used this supplement recorded an increase* in energy, increased memory capacity and an ability to focus more attentively.

Basically, ingredients used to manufacture addium are 100% natural and are safe for your brain and overall body. They include Acetyl-L-Carnitine, L-Theanine, Caffeine, Rhodiola Rosea extract, and Bacopa monnieri extract. The manufacturers use a combination of high-quality brain enhancing* vitamins and minerals which not only increase* your mental capacity but also boost* your overall thinking capacity. This supplement also enhances* the cognitive function of the brain. It achieves this by stimulating glutamate receptors in the brain which are critical in learning and recall of information.

#5 Lipogen PS Plus
Lipogen PS Plus
Lipogen PS Plus is different from other memory pills in that it contains only one ingredient complex called Phospholipids Complex. Soy Lecithin Phosphatidylserine from which this complex was derived was found in clinical studies to improve* memory in degenerative brain diseases.

This memory supplement also helps in the improvement of cognitive brain functions such as memory, creativity, and focus. This dietary supplement also aids in the prevention of other diseases such as Alzheimer. This is done through the increase* of blood flow into the brain which improves* conditions such as forgetfulness and lack of attention.

Clinical studies have shown that Lipogen PS Plus contains a set of unique Phosphatidylserine which is rich in phosphatidic acid which helps in improving* cognitive functions. The studies also showed that this supplement increases* mental concentration and memory retention.

In a study to determine the efficacy of this dietary supplement, the clinical trials found out that people who had previously used this supplement had a higher rate of memory retention and a higher level of concentration as well. They were able to recall information with ease and also showed improved* concentration levels when compared to those who did not use this supplement at all. Other ingredients include glycerol, gelatin, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylinositol, and glycerides.

#6 Cebria
Cebria has a unique blend of ingredients to help improve* your memory in a 30-day trial offered by the product company. Some of the ingredients in Cebria are Lactose, Arginine, Tyrosine, Glutamic acid, and others.

The above supplement has been regarded as one of the best when it comes to boosting memory. 60% of the people who regularly use Cebria have over time proved to develop an increased mental capacity. This is enhanced* by Lactose, an ingredient used to manufacture the supplement.

Basically, lactose is an enzyme that helps in the proper circulation of blood to specific parts of the body such as the brain. On the other hand, this supplement has been efficient in transforming short-term memory into long-term memory. Therefore, if you have important names or dates that you need to remember over a long time, Cebria is the right solution.

This supplement is commonly used by the elderly people over the age of 50 years to enhance* memory development. However, due to its numerous benefits such as increasing* concentration, it can be used by people of all ages since it is safe and effective with little or no side effects.

#7 Synagen IQ
Synagen IQ
Synagen IQ has an all-natural formula and causes no side-effects. The product is available online and the company offers a money-back guarantee in case you see no changes in your memory after consistent use.

This is a certified memory supplement as far as brain functioning is concerned. It contains minerals and Vitamins which help in repairing brain cells and improving* overall cognitive abilities. By enhancing* the brains cognitive abilities, the supplement helps in bringing about a clear focus and retention of information.

Apart from preventing diseases such as diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease, it also increases* the energy levels in the body which helps in bringing about a clear thought process thereby.

Finally, this supplement is made from ingredients that are natural and therefore poses no risk of developing side effects. Ingredients include folic acid, vitamin B6, and B3, Phosphatidylserine, Bacopamonnieri and caffeine. Pine bike extract is another ingredient which helps in the production of nitric acid.

Basically, nitric acid increases* erectile function as a result of increased blood flow triggered by the brain. People who have previously used Synagen IQ have recorded improved* levels of cognitive abilities such as thinking capacity, memory retention, and alertness.

#8 Cresceo
Cresceo is a great product for supporting overall brain health with ingredients like Gingko biloba, Huperzine, Brahmi, and Phosphatidylserine isolate. These ingredients are meant to improve* overall brain health which will result in better memory and cognitive performance.

This supplement is very crucial in helping individuals with a low cognitive ability. They include people who may have previously been a victim of head injuries. As we all know, a big percentage of people who incur head injuries have problems in memory retention.

According to a research on Health and Brain Fitness, this supplement was very crucial in the repairing impaired cognitive abilities such as lack of concentration, low level of information and alertness issues.

The research was conducted with 143 participants who were all volunteers. To determine the effectiveness of this supplement, half of the volunteers were administered cresceo while the other half was not. After a week of regular intake of this supplement, they were required to take a test. Surprisingly, those who were not subjected to the pills performed poorly as compared to those who took the pills. The researchers, therefore, concluded that this supplement may be used to improve* memory and sharpen the mind.

#9 CogniQ
CogniQ works also by supporting brain health and improving* cerebral blood flow in a natural and safe manner. The product can be used at any age and it takes just one pill daily to help sharpen your memory and all this with a 90-day money back guarantee.

This supplement is used to increase* the production of the cell membrane. Numerous studies have shown that cell membrane enhances* the level of protection of the brain from neurotoxins.

In addition, the supplement increases* the blood flow to the brain, therefore, making it more apt to problem-solving, decision making and as well increases* critical thinking.

Its natural ingredients such as Bacopin, Glutamate, Vinpocetine acetyl l-carnitine, and phosphatidylserine are responsible for the effectiveness of this supplement. They contain no side effects and are safe to use at any time.

Many people who have previously used the pill suggest that it not only help in boosting memory, it also increases* the level of intelligence. Although it may react differently to various individuals, the supplement is made in such a way that, it enhances* memory recall, and as well improves* the health of your brain by keeping you active.

#10 Cogniflex
Cogniflex also contains ingredients that are proved safe and effective in treating different areas of cognitive functioning. If you need help with memory problems, Cogniflex can offer some benefits with the addition of L-Tyrosine, Huperzine A, Rhodiola Rosea, Vinpocetine, L-Theanine, and Bacopa monnieri.

The aim of this nootropic is basically to help your brain become more efficient. This efficiency includes increasing* your mental energy and improving* alertness and concentration of the brain. if you have problems in concentrating in tasks, you should use cogniflex since it helps you focus and concentrate on your daily activities. This supplement is also tailored to ensure that your brain unlocks its full potential.

Cogniflex also helps the body to increase* its energy levels by facilitating the correct blood flow. The energy provided by cogniflex can last in the body for about 30 minutes to 6 hours. It also helps you to ignore all distractions especially when you need some concentration because it not only keeps you motivated but also 100% alert. This supplement achieves this through a series of maximum strength nootropics known as smart drugs. They help increase* mental activity, alertness, and concentration.

#11 Ceraloft
Ceraloft is designed to treat* natural age-related cognitive decline with natural ingredients. It contains St John’s Wort known to improve* symptoms of depression that may be causing memory problems in some.

This amazing supplement is known to treat* people who suffer from lack of concentration and ADHD. It does this by providing an all-natural and drug-free formula. Key ingredients iclude Ginkgo biloba, phosphatidylserine, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Glutamate, DMAE Bitartrate among others. Therefore, people who wish to have an enhanced* mental drive and increased concentration should opt for this nootropic. It significantly improves* the ability to learn new information, recall, and concentrate on a task for a long period of time.

This supplement is also used by medical practitioners to treat* people who suffer from memory loss and lack of focus in their daily tasks. In a record retained by medical practitioners, people who used Ceraloft on a regular basis were found to have an easier task in remembering dates, facts, and names of places.

On the other hand, people who used no supplement at all were found to be more susceptible to forgetfulness, and an increased chance of developing Alzheimer’s disease. However, all these can be avoided by the use of Ceraloft since it improves* nerve cell communication and as well speeds up memory recall. Finally, it provides your brain with the energy required to pursue difficult tasks.

Final Verdict
Best Memory Pills 2018 may be a good addition to your memory-enhancement plans which should include proper nutrition, exercising, and socializing. While memory pills may offer some benefits, they should be considered only as crutches in treating memory problems be that age-related memory decline, stress-related memory problems or due to depression. The products listed here contain safe ingredients that may help some sharpen their mind without any active stimulants and dangerous ingredients.

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